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Tail Spend and Contract Management Optimisation Services
Why nView TSO?

Tails spend in a simple pareto is the 80% of suppliers that make up 20% of the overall spend with a businesses supply base.

Conversely strategic spend (or suppliers) are the 20% (or less) that make up 80% of the overall spend with a businesses supply base.

Naturally procurement professionals go after the strategic spend to structure deals for best value.

As a results Tail Spend often goes un-watched and un-addressed falling in a “too hard” or “too much time” required for “little value returned” bucket.

Risk Mitigation: Through our service we can help mitigate risks associated with long tail spend, such as inconsistent pricing, off contract purchasing, and supplier non-compliance. By establishing clear contracts and pricing agreements, we provide clients with greater visibility and control over their procurement activities.

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